Concealed Carry Holsters

Concealed Carry Holsters

Published by Dana on Oct 26, 2017

Top Concealed Carry Holsters

IWB Holster
AIWB Holster w/ Wedge
AIWB Sidecar Rig w/ Wedge
Tuckable IWB Holster

IWB Holster for Concealed Carry

AIWB Holster with Wedge for Concealed Carry

AIWB Holster + Mag Pouch with Wedge for Concealed Carry

Tuckable Concealed Carry Holster

Custom IWB Holster for Concealed Carry. Comes with Adjustable Retention and audible "click" when firearm is fully seated within holster. Magazine release and trigger guard is covered. Sweat shield provides protection against unwanted rubbing. All edges are smooth for a comfortable carry holster! Lifetime Warranty included.
Custom AIWB Holster for Concealed Carry. Optional Wedge tucks the grip of the gun into the body for optimum concealment. Holster comes with covered trigger guard and mag release, as well as sweat shield for protection & comfort. Retention is completely adjustable around the trigger guard. Choose your own ride height and cant angle- you know best!
Custom Modular AIWB Rig comes with optional

Wedge to tuck the grip of the gun into the body for optimum concealment. Minimal material and flexible design make this the best AIWB Rig on the Market. All edges are rounded for comfort. Choose your ride height for the most comfortable Appendix Carry Rig.

Custom Tuckable IWB Holster for ultimate concealed carry. Tuckable plate is attached at the bottom of the holster, to ensure deep concealment when tucking the shirt over the pistol. Additional tuckable plates available for various carry positions making this the #1 best selling tuckable holster on the market!

8-10 Day Lead Time

8-10 Day Lead Time

8-10 Day Lead Time

8-10 Day Lead Time

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5 days or less!

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5 days or less!

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Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.

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