Carbon Fiber Texture Holsters

Carbon Fiber Texture Holsters

Published by Dana on Sep 15, 2016

Kydex Carbon Fiber Holsters

Here are some pictures snagged right off of our Social Media pages. If you're not following us yet, you should be! We can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as "Dara Holsters" or @DaraHolsters. We tend to give out flash sale coupons and do giveaways, as well as post new product pictures!

Below are some of our most recent Carbon Fiber Holsters that have gone out. Please note that all pictures that are taken are not "show holsters" or one made specifically for a photo shoot. All pictures taken are generally taken straight from the shipping/assembly table. If you see a holster that looks identical to something you ordered, it might just be yours!

Carbon Fiber IWB Holster

Carbon Fiber IWB Holster

Carbon Fiber IWB Holster

The three photos above are our Black Carbon Fiber Texture, the photo below is the Coyote Brown Carbon Fiber Texture.

Carbon Fiber IWB Holster

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.