

From Field to Plate: Corned Venison Recipe

Published by From Field to Plate on Mar 31, 2016

We're gearing up for Summer and spicin' up our blog in the mean time! If any of you guys are on Instagram, do a quick search for the user @fromfieldtoplate. This guy not only has awesome pictures and recipes, he takes you on a visual journey through the stages of each culinary masterpiece from the field, to the plate.

For more recipes visit his website at


Corned Venison

With Saint Patrick’s Day around the corner let’s take a Wild look at a classic Irish American dish… Corned Beef. Now being the wild chef I can’t just take a hunk of beef from the store and pull this dish off, no I needed to wild it up a little.


In this Recipe I used my Weston Slow Cooker and my Weston Meat slicer. Click each one to find out more about them.

Weston 8Qt Slow Cooker

Weston 7 1/2 Meat Slicer

Now back to the Green Isle and our Corned Venison Recipe. This recipe doesn’t require you to put on your Kilt and start playing the bagpipes (but if you want to I won’t judge) Just pull out your venison roast and enjoy


Ingredients: Brine

2-4lb venison 

4 cups water

½ cup salt

¼ cup of sugar

¼ brown sugar

¼ teaspoon pink cure salt 


Pickling Spice:

2 tablespoon pepper corns, smashed

1 tablespoon coriander seeds, crushed

7 bay leaves, crushed

1 ½ tablespoons mustard seeds

2 cinnamon sticks

1 teaspoon dried thyme

2 tablespoons whole all spice

8 cloves garlic crushed

1 ½ teaspoon caraway seeds

3 whole cloves



  • In large stock pot bring all ingredients to a boil, stirring to dissolve salts and sugars
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temp. If you have room, you can always speed up the cooling by placing in your fridge
  • Once water has cooled add meat and place in fridge for 5-10 days. What is happening is the pink salt is working its way through the meat and creating that signature look. Many people debate about putting a sodium nitrite (pink salt) in your brine, in my opinion do it, botulism is a real thing… google it…
  • Now if you’re doing a quick 24 hour brine then you don’t have to use it, but it will not have that pink color to it. It will be more along the lines of English Corned Beef, with its colors being more brown and grey like a roast.


Quick 24 Hour brine:

  • Bring water, salts & sugars to a boil
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool
  • In vacuum bag add meat, all spices and brine
  • Vacuum seal and place in the fridge for 24 hours
  • Remove meat and rinse



  • Remove meat from brine and rinse
  • Place in slow cooker or stock pot and fill with just enough water to cover
  • Cook on low for 4-6 hours
  • ((some people like to add half the amount of new spices to the water while cooking))
  • Remove from water and slice
  • That’s it, Enjoy!!




Corned Venison Sandwich


1.       On griddle place rye bread

2.       Add smoked Swiss cheese

3.       Grill bread until toasted and Swiss has started to melt

4.       Remove bread and add your pickled cabbage on bottom

5.       Add your corned venison

6.       Top with ground mustard

7.       Top with last piece of grilled rye

8.       Fight off your family and eat up


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