

Concealed Carry Classes

Concealed Carry Classes

Published by Dana on Sep 05, 2016

If you need to schedule a Concealed Carry Class and reside in the Triangle NC area, check out our sister company Dara Academy, Inc. They offer Concealed Carry NC CHL Courses, Presentation Technique Classes, and also an overview class of NC Defensive Gun Use Laws called "When not to Shoot". Check out a detailed outline of all the classes they have to offer.

Classes are taught on Saturdays from 8 am to about 5 pm. The classroom portion is held until around 3 o'clock, with a short test at the end to make sure you're knowledgeable about the laws and some handgun basics.

The Instructors are probably the most qualified instructors in the area: a NC State Attorney, a retired New York Police Officer and retired Master Security Trainer for the TSA, as well as our owner, a Firearms/Concealed Carry Expert. You'll get instruction from each teacher who bring a very unique view to handling firearms.

The Concealed Carry course will provide you with everything you need to know to obtain your CHL, as well as many things you should know going into concealed carry. You won't get a lecture on why you shouldn't carry a .22 pistol, or long winded stories of the instructors' glory days. What you will get is a very thorough explanation of NC concealed carry and defensive gun use laws, as well as knowledge about pistols and the best advice on how to shoot them in a tough situation.

For more information, visit the Dara Academy, Inc. website, or schedule your concealed carry class online.

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