

Dara Holsters - Light Bearing AIWB Holsters

Dara Holsters - Light Bearing AIWB Holsters

Published by Dana on Apr 21, 2017

PLEASE NOTE: This blog post is from 2017 and we have made various changes to our website. Our holsters have gone through extensive design updates, as well as our website. Check out the upgrades below. 

Some of our more seasoned customers may have noticed our recent website changes. But for those of you who have just found us, (welcome!) here is a walk through of our website and how to order a Custom Light bearing AIWB Holster.

A little bit about AIWB Holsters: AIWB stands for Appendix Inside the Waistband Holster. This holster is usually worn in front of either hip, but normally at 12 o'clock. Appendix is a bit controversial as it does place the muzzle at an artery when drawing, but most argue that if you train daily, control your trigger finger, and never grow complacent, you have no more risk than someone who carries in an ankle holster.

Some believe carrying at the Appendix Position provides you with faster target acquisition, therefore giving you the upper hand in a bad situation. However, this would only be true if you practice your draw stroke routinely.

Back to ordering a Custom Light Bearing AIWB Holster...

When you're on the main page of you'll see "custom Holster" on the main navigation menu to the far left. If you run your mouse over "custom Holsters" without clicking, you'll see a drop down menu appear with a list of different types of holsters and packages. Hover over these options for a more specific menu, such as "IWB Optic Cut Holsters" and "Light bearing AIWB/IWB Holsters".

For the Light bearing AIWB Holster, you'll want to select "Light bearing AIWB/IWB Holsters".

This will bring you to our entire IWB and AIWB selection of Light/Laser bearing Holsters. The Appendix Carry AIWB Holster is on the right in the first row. Click "Choose Options".

On the Light bearing AIWB Holster page you'll find a description of the holster and materials used, along with pictures and custom option suggestions. For example, the black and white pictures in the description show you the difference between ride heights. The left picture of the Arctic Grey AIWB Holster has a mid ride height paired with a 7.5° reverse cant angle, while the black holster on the right has the same cant paired with a high ride. Clearly the carrier will be able to get a better grip on the right holster than the left.

If you need help with ride heights and cant angles, we do provide an illustration in the pictures. In the tiny pictures under the main picture, you'll see a diagram (2nd thumbnail in) and clicking on that will make the diagram appear.

When you're ready to begin selecting your options, click on the first drop down menu, "Firearm MFG/Model + Light/Laser" This will give you an alphabetical list of all the Firearms and Lights/Lasers we offer. If your combination is not on this menu, you can contact customer support to inquire about availability. But chances are, we do not offer that combination.

Next, you'll see our color options. Hover over any swatch to see a bigger picture of the color/texture as well as the name and up-charge amount. After the color option, you'll select your draw hand.

The belt attachment selection is where many customers get stuck. The "Clip Over" is the most common belt attachment for Inside the Waistband Holsters. The numbers next to the option is the width of your belt. If you are unsure, measure! Wrong size belt attachments cause a lot of issues that most people will blame on the holster. If you are unable to measure your belt width, most dress belts are 1.25", most leather gunbelts or belts purchased at a department store are 1.5". Tactical belts are generally 1.75" and Duty belts are 2"-2.2". Sam Browne belts are 2.5".

The next custom option that raises questions is the wedge option. The wedge is an internal mechanism that we use when molding a holster. It is not an after market holster accessory like the wing or claw. The wedge does not add much in the way of bulk, it simply tilts the belt attachment in a way that tucks the grip into the body. It does not work miracles- if you absolutely cannot conceal a gun due to a larger firearm and light system, improper belt, or the way you dress, the claw may not help.

The rest of the options are pretty simple. For ride height and cant angle, there is a diagram in the pictures that looks like this:

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