Product Review: Trayvax Axis Wallet

Product Review: Trayvax Axis Wallet

Published by Dana on Jun 29, 2016

While browsing pictures on Instagram a while back, I saw a typical EDC pocket dump-type post of a guys keys, pistol and holster, spare magazine and a really cool looking wallet. I doubled tapped and kept scrolling, only to see another picture of the same type with the same cool looking wallet, but in a different color. I remember saying to myself, "that's pretty interesting, I want that".

Fast forward and it's now three weeks until Father's Day. I'm at an absolute loss on what to get my husband-- until I remeber the super cool wallet I saw on Instagram. I spent over an hour searching every hashtag I could think of to try and find it (I couldn't remember the company name), but exhausted from searching I tap my feed to check my messages and BAM! there it is: the Trayvax Axis Wallet.

Long story short, I ordered the wallet and it arrived in time for Father's Day with a few days to spare.

Unboxing and First Impression:

The wallet came in a small brown envelope containing a thank you note, a business card and the wallet itself. Shipping didn't take very long, I want to say maybe a week across the Country- not too bad.

My first Impression: How the hell do you work this thing? And also: this wallet is solid.

The Axis is very well crafted, no rough edges, not even a stray piece of string from the nylon. The attention to detail is exquisite. It says "MADE IN USA" right on the front, cut out of the frame, along with the company name Trayvax.

About the Company:

Aside from looking cool, which is what caught my eye to begin with, the wallet is also made in the USA. And not only do they make all of their products here, they source all of their materials from here as well. 

The fast-growing company is very passionate about their products and customers, providing tons of videos and involving their customers in every step of the process. I even saw an exchange on Facebook where a customer asked Trayvax about a possible product they may have in the future and they responded by asking them to e-mail in so that they could bounce ideas off of each other. How cool is that? A company that actually cares what you think, instead of treating you like an order number.

I also hijacked this excerpt from their website:

Just a few years ago, Mark was machining every Trayvax wallet by hand and powder-coating the aluminum faceplates with a small counter-top oven. Today, Trayvax is a company of over 35 employees working between two buildings, assembling, packaging, and shipping several hundred wallets a day. Having expanded the Trayvax line to include the Element, Summit and Axis models, as well as a host of top-quality accessories, we plan to grow and we’re excited to reveal what’s coming next.

So aside from cool looking products they are also a USA sourced-and-made product company. Let's move on to the actual product quality...

The Axis Wallet

As you can see in the photo above, there is not a hair out of place on this wallet. The edges are crisp, but smooth. The nylon is perfectly intact (after several weeks, mind you) and everything has a function. The wallet is sturdy, thanks to a tumbled stainless steel frame, and held together by Military grade nylon and paracord. The strap that holds in the cards and cash is held together by a unique hook system that does not come undone (no matter how hard you try) unless you want it to. 

Sidenote: everyone I handed it to had to be told how to open it, it is not as easy as it appears at first, but very easy once you get used to it.

As I wrote earlier, everything on this wallet has a function. The paracord serves as a keychain, a handle and also a tightening system that functions with the retaining strap.

The red lines are not actually on the wallet, I put them there to better show how the system works. Also, before I forget, I should note that the Axis Wallet is also RFID resistant. RFID or Radio Frequency IDentification has been used to scan passports, credit cards and any other form of IDentification for less than honorable purposes. This wallet can prevent such scanning to prevent IDentity theft with a success rate of 85-95% (I took that number from the company Facebook page).

Let's open it up...

As you can see I have about 7-8 cards in there and 4 bills folded in the cash clip section. I did have to purge my old wallet of all the unnecessary extras before moving into my new wallet, but I should have done that years ago.

The Axis is able to hold 1-14 cards and 1-8 bills. There is also a hidey-hole to store a coin or key. It is shown (barely) in the photo above, where the nylon flap is. That flap is not just an extra piece floating around, that is also used to tighten or loosen the card compartment. See below:

As you can see, the nylon strap is used to hold the cards in and can be adjusted accordingly to add or take away space for more or less cards. The attention to detail even in this nylon strap is very impressive-- the way it is stitched together and/or sealed is near perfect.

Shown above, there are two pieces of stainless steel that serve as the framing, and the paracord that tightens/loosens the retaining strap also serves as a hinge when the wallet is open. The money clip shown above can be accessed when the wallet is open and also when the wallet is closed. See below:

Your cash is held in placed by not only the stainless steel clip, but also the same adjustable nylon retaining strap holding the wallet together. The cash is secured but also easy to access quickly, so you don't have to worry about holding up the line at the gas station.To top it all off, there is also a hole at the top for attaching the wallet to a carabiner (which they sell on their website).

So my final rating of this product is A+ I would highly recommend this product to almost anyone. (Maybe not my 70 year old dad who still uses an engraved money clip).

Browsing their Facebook page, I saw some backlash regarding some of the pricing. This wallet is $39.99 a typical price for any decent wallet on the market that isn't a designer brand. Some of their other wallets go for less than the Axis does, while others, such as the Element (leather) goes for around $89.99. Their newest design, the Contour, will retail for $159 (I believe) which is where some of the backlash is coming from.

There is something that certain customers just don't get-- you don't have to buy it. The company offers the product, that's it- they're not forcing you to buy it. You don't want to pay $90 for a wallet? Then don't. It's pretty simple. The price - even for $159- is not that much, seeing as this product is built to last a lifetime. You won't have to buy a new wallet if it gets wet, as you would if your tradition leather bi-fold got drenched. Also- Trayvax sources USA made materials and hired around 35 US employees to help make this product. Not only are you supporting the US economy when you buy this product, you're also helping to sustain American jobs as well. 

I have a lot of respect for any Company who goes above and beyond to provide American made and sourced products- especially when the products are of this caliber.

For more information about the Trayvax Axis Wallet, visit the Trayvax Website or the Axis Wallet product page.

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.