TLR-6 Holsters

TLR-6 Holsters

Published by Dana on Jan 09, 2017

You know what's great about having awesome, loyal customers? It gives us the confidence and ability to go out and purchase the latest greatest concealed carry gadgets so that we can make holsters for them. When Streamlight introduced the TLR-6 Light, we bought a bunch of them immediately because we knew there would be holsters needed, and when Streamlight introduced the TLR-6 for Kahrs, Sigs and Shields, we got our hands on those too!

We've been making holsters for the TLR-6 since the very beginning because we recognized a great product that many people would want to carry on their pistols everyday. We want to be able to provide a holster for everything, so we make sure that we stay on top of the most popular carry methods and gear.

Why are our TLR-6 Holsters the best? Try it for yourself and see! Not only do they have a streamline design that's ideal for concealed carry, they have an audible click when fully seated to let you know that your pistol is secure. The retention is adjustable and is good enough to turn upside down and shake without the pistol slipping out. Not sold yet? Our TLR-6 Holsters are backed by a lifetime Warranty. 

TLR-6 Holster

TLR-6 Appendix Holster with Sidecar

Modular Appendix Holster TLR-6

TLR-6 Holster

TLR-6 Holster

OWB TLR-6 Holster

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.

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