Glock 19 gen 4 with RMR, APLc and KKM Precision Compensator

Glock 19 gen 4 with RMR, APLc and KKM Precision Compensator

Published by Dana on Aug 17, 2017

Glock 19 with Trijicon RMR, Inforce APLc and KKM Precision Compensator with IWB Holster.

Glock 19 with Trijicon RMR and APLc

To order a holster for any Roland Special or like pistol set up, be sure to list all of the after market add ons and request that the muzzle end of the holster is "FLUSH" to accommodate the compensator.

After Market Add-ons in these pictures:

  • Trijicon RMR
  • Inforce APLc
  • KKM Precision Comp
  • Zev coated Slide

Glock 19 APLc and RMR with KKM Comp

G19 with APLc and KKM Compensator with RMR

Glock 19 Roland Special with APLc

Glock 19 with RMR and APLc with Dara IWB Holster

The holster above is our RMR cut Light bearing IWB Holster in OD Green. 

The ride height pictures is Mid Ride, putting the top of the belt line right where the trigger guard meets the frame for a good purchase on the grip. The Cant Angle is 7.5° forward, our standard and most popular cant angle for carrying on the hip.

Roland Special with APLc

The clip here is a 1.5" Clip Over attachment, which will fit most belts. Be sure to get the clip size exactly the same width as your belt. There should be NO SPACE between the bottom of the belt and the bottom of the clip. Ill fitting clips and loops can cause countless issues and can even lead to seriously dangerous consequences, so be sure to measure your belt properly.

The holster color in the picture is our OD Green Kydex color. For other colors, see our FAQ Page

If you have any product questions, or need help ordering a holster, please e-mail us!

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.

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