This week's pictures

This week's pictures

Published by Dana on Jan 24, 2017

Way back when I first started working for Dara Holsters, a customer called me after receiving his holster to thank the company. He said he was very impressed with the quality (to this day it still feels so great to hear!) and that he was surprised that the holster he received looked just like the product picture. I was a bit confused by this, until he explained that most companies only photograph their best looking products.

We don't do that. I didn't even know that was a thing (call me ignorant) but I've been stealing and snatching holsters from the assembly line since 2012. If you receive your holster and it looks like one that was recently posted on Instagram- it's probably the same one. 

I'm confident that the holsters won't have flaws due to the five quality checks each one has to pass before even reaching the assembly table. It's very important to us that every holster that goes out is of the same quality we would post online for our millions of online viewers.

Here are some of the holsters shipped out this week:

Springfield XDS 3.3 with Viridian C5L Inside the Waistband Holster with ECR Capability. Any of our Custom Holsters can be made with the ECR capability. Choose your Viridian Green Laser from our Light/Laser drop down menu and select the "w/ECR" option.

Above are two Walther Holsters: one for the Walther Q5 Match and one for the Walther PPS M2. Both are in the OD Green color with black belt clips. 

Here is the Walther PPS M2 Left Handed AIWB Quick Ship Holster. These are available for many different firearms in both right and left hand draw.

Here is the Tough-Claw Mounted Vehicle Holster in action! This is a customer's photo, sent in after installation. 

Here's an IWB Holster for the Glock 21 with Lasermax Spartan in Black Carbon Fiber. This is one of the most commonly ordered color selections, aside from the standard black.

Duncan L purchased: for 5 minutes ago.
Alex M purchased: for 16 minutes ago.
Paul W purchased: for 19 minutes ago.
Sam P purchased: for 27 minutes ago.